Natural Resources Analysis

The Natural Resources Analysis Group (NRA), Economic Policy and Analysis Staff, serves the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and USDA as the primary analytical resource for the analysis of economic issues related to existing and proposed natural resource policies and programs, particularly the following: 

 For more information on the CRP programs go to Conservation Programs Related Topics  

CRP Reports  

View Current Monthly and Annual Summaries and Historical data (pdf). 

LocationFiscal Year 2010Fiscal Year 2011Fiscal Year 2012Fiscal Year 2013
United States2010201120122013
Chesapeake Bay2010
Great Lakes2010201120122013
Mississippi River Basin2010
Prairie Pothole2010201120122013

Note: All files in the table above are in .PDF format

Estimation Methodology (PDF) 

CRP Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation Project (MAE)

The Farm Service Agency works with partners to identify MAE projects to quantify CRP environmental benefits to water quality and quantity, wildlife, and rural economies. Below are the results of completed projects, related studies, and a list of MAE projects that are now underway.

Studies Examining Multiple Benefits

These studies identify multiple benefits from land enrolled the CRP, including reduced nutrient and sediment runoff from fields, improved water quality from reduced runoff, enhanced wildlife habitat, better hydrologic function, and increased carbon sequestration. 

Wildlife Studies 

CRP enhances wildlife habitat through its millions of acres of grass, trees, and wetlands. Numerous studies have identified benefits to wildlife populations. 

Water Quality and Quantity Studies 

CRP improves water quality in multiple ways. CRP reduces the nitrogen and phosphorus leaving a field in runoff and percolate. Grass filters and riparian buffers (partial field enrollments) intercept sediment, nutrients, and other contaminants before they enter waterways. Wetlands restored and constructed by CRP improve water quality by converting nitrate nitrogen into benign atmospheric nitrogen. Additionally, the CRP provides hydrologic storage, attenuates flood waters, and helps recharge aquifers. 

Ongoing Studies 

MAE projects often require multiple years of observation to complete. Listed are the projects that have been funded and are under way. 

Other Links 

Numerous organizations have monitoring and assessment programs that complement FSA’s MAE project and provide information on the benefits of the CRP 


View a list of Webinars available on this site.  

Additional information

Learn more about the Natural Resources Analysis group (PDF)