
Webcasts, Web Conferences, and Webinars

What are Webcasts, Webinars, and Web Conferences?

Webcasts, webinars, and web conferences are internet-based communication tools used to deliver information to a broad audience and to connect audiences with each other. A webcast is a way of broadcasting audio and/or video over the internet. A webcast may either be distributed live or recorded, and may be a one-way presentation or presented interactively. You can host and/or participate from your own computer, and often can interact by phone or online through the webcasting program.

A webinar is a specific type of web conference. It is typically one-way, from the speaker(s) to the audience. A webinar can be collaborative and include online polling and question and answer sessions. In some cases, the presenter may speak over a standard telephone line and present information on  a screen . The audience can respond using their telephones.

Web conferences are used to conduct live meetings or presentations over the internet. In a web conference, you can sit at your own computer or device and connect to other participants via the internet.

All of these tools can be recorded so people who were not able to attend the scheduled time can watch or listen to the presentation or training at their convenience. Some  of the vendors for webcast, web conference, and webinar programs include WebEx, Exit Disclaimer GoTo Webinar, Exit Disclaimer and ReadyTalk. Exit Disclaimer These services usually require a paid subscription. Google Hangouts Exit Disclaimer is a free web conference tool.

How Can I Use Webcasts, Webinars, and Web Conferences in Response to HIV?

  • Host meetings with colleagues in the HIV community from across the country and around the world.
  • Share information and conduct trainings about HIV-related topics.
  • Create an archive of HIV presentations and trainings.

What are Some Examples from the Field?

Where Can I Learn More?

Last revised: 07/01/2013