SDLC Overview

A successful IT architecture consists of three key components:

  • Repeatable, reliable processes compliant with all government standards, mandates and directives.
  • Staff trained in the execution of these processes.
  • Tools to support these processes.

The first of these three major components, the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), forms the basis upon which the other two are built. It is a key aspect of IT governance and portfolio management.

The SDLC defined here is the system development methodology of the Farm Service Agency (FSA). It is based on an iterative system engineering process that describes who does what, when, and how in a system development and deployment project. It has demonstrated the ability to meet the departmental framework in terms of phases, deliverables, etc. defined in the USDA SDLC.

On May 12, 2005, the release of the SDLC was formally announced by Steven L. Sanders, FSA Chief Information Officer. The complete announcement can be viewed here: FSA SDLC Formal Release.

The SDLC section contains the following areas:
SDLC Background
Provides a high level overview of the SDLC process.
SDLC Development Process
Provides a set of associated activities, guidelines, templates and examples for each phase within the SDLC process.     
SDLC Quick Start Guide   
Highlights the standard development process for FSA projects.   
FSA Quality Assurance and Control
Provides an introduction to the Quality Assurance Process.   
Project Management
Project management provides the framework to consistently deliver projects within the agreed upon constraints of scope, schedule, and cost.     
Configuration and Change Management
Identifies the process for managing changes within a project.     
Provides information on the Mainframe SDLC process.