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College of Engineering & Science - Louisiana Tech University

Graduate Studies

Ph.D. and M.S. in Molecular Sciences and Nanotechnology

About the Programs

The M.S. and Ph.D. in Molecular Sciences and Nanotechnology provides a formal framework for students to engage in the study of structures and devices assembled by nature on the one hand, and those assembled by humans on the other.

These programs are interdisciplinary and are jointly administered by the College of Engineering and Science and the College of Applied and Natural Sciences. The programs have active participation from faculty in biological sciences, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics & statistics, mechanical engineering, and physics.

Major breakthroughs are expected at the intersection of molecular biology and nanotechnology. Some examples are novel vaccines, diagnostic methods, cancer therapies, drug delivery systems, catalysts, energy storage and conversion devices, and minimally invasive treatment methods for many diseases.

Two options are available at the Master’s level: thesis (30 credit hours) and practicum (36 credit hours). The Ph.D. requires 48 credit hours of coursework (nearly all the hours from the M.S. can be applied towards the Ph.D.) and 18 credit hours of research leading to a dissertation.

Key Facilities

The Biomedical Engineering Building and Institute for Micromanufacturing

The Biomedical Engineering (foreground) and Institute for Micromanufacturing (background) complex provides 100,000 sq. ft. of modern space for research in molecular sciences and nanotechnology.

Job Opportunities

A 2008 survey estimated that there were about 400,000 workers worldwide in the field of nanotechnology, with an estimated 150,000 of those in the United States. A study funded by the National Science Foundation projects that 6 million nanotechnology workers will be needed worldwide by 2020, with 2 million of those jobs in the United States.

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Admission Criteria

The minimum requirements for admission to the Graduate School of Louisiana Tech University must be satisfied. The following criteria are in addition to those, and specific for admission to the M.S. or the Ph.D. in Molecular Sciences and Nanotechnology.

For the M.S. Program

A four-year undergraduate degree in biological sciences, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, electrical engineering, or physics, or a closely related discipline such as biochemistry, biophysics, chemical technology, engineering physics, molecular biology, or pharmacology.

Official GRE scores are required. It is expected that most applicants will have a minimum total score of 300 in the Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning sections with a minimum of 142 in the Verbal Reasoning section.

For the Ph.D. Program

A Master’s degree in biological sciences, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, electrical engineering, physics, or a closely related area is the expected qualification.

Students with Bachelor’s degrees may be admitted directly to the Ph.D. program on the basis of outstanding academic achievements(as evidenced by GPA, GRE, and scholarly achievement).

Official GRE scores are required. It is expected that most applicants will have a minimum total score of 304 in the Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning sections with a minimum of 146 in the Verbal Reasoning section.

At the discretion of the Ph.D. Steering Committee, the GRE requirement may be waived in the case of exceptional students, especially for those with national fellowships, scholarships, or professional achievement.
