Graduate Concentration in Cancer Nanotechnology

The Cancer Nanotechnology Concentration requires students to earn a B or better in each concentration course. Students must complete 12 credit hours, including at least one core Cancer course and one core Nanotechnology course. Participants may take a second core Cancer course and/or a second core Nanotechnology course as an elective. Fulfillment of these requirements will be monitored by the graduate coordinator in Bioengineering.

Core Cancer Classes
Special Topics (Section RB, Cancer Science and Technology)
Cancer Cell Biology
Core Nanotechnology Classes
Biological Nanoengineering
MEMS Devices & Systems
Elective Courses
Basic Toxicology
MEMS-NEMS Theory & Fabrication
Mechanics of MEMS
Total hours required for the concentration:12
Courses taken toward this concentration will count toward the student's graduate degree.
Students must notify their department of their plan to pursue this concentration.
When choosing courses, students must work directly with their department to ensure that all degree requirements will be met.
Note that students who intend to complete both a Biomechanics Concentration and a Cancer Nanotechnology Concentration may only overlap one course between the two concentrations.