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Open Government

The Open Government Directive is an effort to implement three principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration that form the cornerstone of an open government.


Tra​​​nsparency promotes accountability by providing the public with information about what the government is doing.


Participation allows members of the public to contribute ideas and expertise so that their government can make policies with the benefit of information that is widely dispersed in society.


Collaboration improves the effectiveness of government by encouraging partnerships and cooperation within the federal government, across levels of government, and between the government and private institutions.   

FHFA is com​​mitted to implementing a culture of transparency, participation and cooperation between the government and the American people.

Open Government Plans are updated every two years.

(Latest) FHFA's 2016 Open Government Plan.

(All) FHFA Open Government Plans.


​Open Government Initiative

FHFA Dataset​​​s on Data.gov

FHFA Freedom of Inform​ation Act (FOIA) Reports

FHFA FOIA Rea​​​di​​ng Room

FHFA Performance ​​​and Accountability Reports​​

FHFA Records ​and Information Management

FHFA Reports ​& Plans        

FHFA Da​​ta                      

FHFA​ Tools       

FHFA Plain Writi​ng 







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