
The Travel Services Office provides travel authorization and honorarium processing services for the Ames Laboratory. If you have questions regarding how to book a trip, please contact the Travel Office at 4-1780.

The Travel Office website has many resources to assist travelers with planning a trip, reserving and booking a trip, along with answers for frequently asked questions.

Making Arrangements - Provides instructions for requesting travel authorization and completing required documentation.

Foreign Travel - Provides information for planning foreign travel.

Forms - Various travel related forms available.

Instructions - Provides links to instructions and quick links to "how-to" documents.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - A resource to answer frequent policy questions asked by travelers.

On-line Travel Reservation Tool - Provides information and links to book travel using on-line booking tool.

Rental Vehicles - Laboratory has rental vehicle contract with Enterprise Holdings. Vehicles can also be rented through ISU's vehicle pool.

Self-Purchased Air Tickets - Policy regarding self-purchase of airfare.

Travel Policy - Laboratory's travel policy.

Travel Resources - Miscellaneous resources including atlas, GSA per diem rates, and others for reference.

Ames Laboratory uses Iowa State's travel agency contract with Travel and Transport. To contact Travel and Transport, please call (866) 963-3062.