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2016 Cibola/Dome Valley/YPG Wild Horse and Burro Gather

Progress as of September 20, 2016

Purpose of Gather:Wild Horse and Burro Logo

The removal has been requested by the Yuma Proving Grounds Garrison Manager. The animals are creating hazardous situations for themselves and motorists along the heavily used public routes.

Details of Gather:

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Colorado River District, Yuma Field Office’s goal is to safely remove 25 wild horses and 35 wild burros in the area near Highway 95 and Aberdeen Road. This is a bait-trap gather. BLM employees and contractors will conduct the gather, which could require several days or weeks to complete. The BLM will use baited corrals, stocked with hay, supplements or water, to lure the animals into the corrals with spring-loaded gates that will close behind them.

Due to the sensitive nature of the bait-trap gather method, no public observation was offered so as not to disturb gather operations. 


The Yuma Field Office has completed a Categorical Exclusion in accordance with 516 DM 11.9.

Burros on the range
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Adoption Information

Wild burros removed from the area are transported to the Wild Horse and Burro Off-Range Corral in Florence, Arizona, to be prepared for the BLM Wild Burro Adoption Program. 

For more information on the Wild Horse and Burro Program, call 866-468-7826 or email

Cumulative Totals

Animals Gathered
26 wild horses
33 wild burros

Animals Returned to Home Range

Animal Deaths

*Includes non-gather related deaths. See details in "Gather Reports"