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​Examiner Resources


The FHFA Examination Manual (the Manual) comprises an overview of the examination process and 25 modules that provide examination instructions and work programs organized by risk category or line of business or activity.


A Living Document

FHFA will update the Manual from time to time to reflect evolving examination practices, supervisory expectations, and regulated entity operations, as well as changes in regulatory requirements.


FHFA Supplemental Examination Guidance

Supplemental examination guidance focuses on specific business lines, products, or discrete topics which may apply to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Federal Home Loan Banks, or the Office of Finance.  Supplemental guidance modules complement the modules in the FHFA Examination Manual.


A Uniform Rating System - CAMELSO
FHFA's examiners use a uniform rating system for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Banks.

The examiners employ a risk-focused rating system under which each regulated entity and the Office of Finance is assigned a common composite rating based on an evaluation of various aspects of its operations. CAMELSO


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