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Recovery Act

Recovery Act Reporting

 -   Recovery Act Management and Performance System

Native American Housing Block Grant Competition

 -   NAHBG Recovery Act NOFA
 -   FY 2009 General Section
 -   General Section Technical Amendment
 -   Recovery Act Forms
 -   Form HUD 4123-A
 -   Form HUD 4125-A
 -   Form HUD-2880
 -   SF-424
 -   SF-LLL
 -   Program Guidance
 -   2009-5: Notice of Funding Availability for NAHBG Recovery Act Program
 -   2009-7: Applicability of Buy American and Davis Bacon Requirements to Recovery Act Programs
 -   2009-8: Posting Signs at Recovery Act Project Sites
 -   2009-9: Reporting Requirements under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
 -   2009-10: Procedures for Amending Competitive Applications
 -   Federal Register Waiver Notice
 -   REVISED June 11, 2009 FAQs
(posted June 26, 2009)
 -   NAHBG FAQs - 6/15/09
 -   ARRA NAHBG Awards Federal Register Announcement

Indian Community Development Block Grant Competition

 -   ICDBG Recovery Act NOFA
 -   FY 2009 General Section
 -   General Section Technical Amendment
 -   Recovery Act Forms
 -   SF-424
 -   SF-424-SUPP
 -   SF-LLL
 -   Form HUD 4123
 -   Form HUD 4125
 -   Form HUD 2880
 -   Form HUD 2994-A (MS-Word)
 -   Form HUD 96010, Logic Model (MS-Excel)
 -   Program Guidance
 -   2009-4: Notice of Funding Availability for ICDBG Recovery Act Program
 -   2009-7: Applicability of Buy American and Davis Bacon Requirements to Recovery Act Programs
 -   2009-8: Posting Signs at Recovery Act Project Sites
 -   2009-9: Reporting Requirements under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
 -   Factor 2 Needs Table
 -   Federal Register Waiver Notice
 -   REVISED June 11, 2009 FAQs
(posted June 26, 2009)
 -   ARRA ICDBG Awards Federal Register Announcement