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FAQ: Reporting an Error in PubMed

Question: How do I report an error, such as my name incorrectly spelled, in a PubMed citation?


To report an error in a PubMed citation:

  1. Check the way the citation, for example, the author or title, appears in the print publication.
  2. If the information is wrong in the journal, contact the journal publisher. Ask the publisher to publish an "erratum" using the information in the NLM Errata Fact Sheet.
  3. If the information is correct in print, and wrong in PubMed with a label [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]:

      Send a message to NLM Customer Services at with:

  • The correct journal name, volume, issue, and page number
  • The title the of article, or the PMID number (example, PMID: 1234567)
  • The author name using last name and initials (example, Jones JA)

NOTE: PubMed citations with tags [PubMed - in process] and [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] have not yet been processed through NLM's quality control procedures and are more likely to be incorrect than those labeled, [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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