Marketplace Premiums after Shopping, Switching, and Premium Tax Credits, 2015-2016


Health insurance rate information becomes available each spring as issuers file proposed rates with federal and state regulators. Rates then undergo review before being finalized in the fall, prior to the annual Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment Period.  Neither the proposed nor final rates offered by any individual issuer provide a reliable basis for predicting what typical Marketplace consumers will pay in the following year. Consumers’ actual health insurance premiums will be lower because public rate review can bring down proposed increases, shopping gives all consumers a chance to find the best deal, and tax credits reduce the cost of coverage for the vast majority of Marketplace consumers. Among the roughly 85 percent of consumers with premium tax credits, the average monthly net premium increased just $4, or 4%, from 2015 to 2016.


"MarketplaceRate.pdf" (pdf, 419.87Kb)

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