A lizard at Dominguez Escalante NCA in Colorado. Photo by Bob Wick, BLM

Fish and Wildlife

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More than 3,000 species of wildlife make use of resources on public land administered by the BLM, which manages more wildlife habitat than any other Federal or state agency. BLM-managed lands are vital to big game (such as elk, moose, and deer), upland game birds, waterfowl, shorebirds, songbirds, raptors, and hundreds of non-game mammals, reptiles, and amphibians.  The BLM makes special efforts to conserve sagebrush and other habitat used by at-risk species, such as the Greater Sage-Grouse and lesser prairie chicken.

The BLM’s Wildlife Management Program seeks to ensure self-sustaining populations and a natural abundance and diversity of wildlife on public lands.  To provide for the long-term protection of wildlife resources, the BLM supports numerous habitat conservation and restoration activities, many funded through partnerships with Federal, state, and non-governmental organizations.

Besides providing recreational benefits, wildlife-related hunting and bird watching generate hundreds of millions of dollars to local communities located near or adjacent to BLM-managed public lands.

Learn more about our Fish and Wildlife programs: