• Accelerator Delivers its First 12 GeV Electrons

    The CEBAF accelerator delivered full-energy electrons on Dec. 14 as part of commissioning activities for the ongoing 12 GeV Upgrade project. Operators of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility delivered the first batch of 12 GeV electrons (12.065 Giga electron Volts) to its newest experimental hall complex, Hall D.

    A view down the South Linac, one of CEBAF’s two sections of linear accelerator. In the foreground are cryomodules from the original accelerator design. The new C100 cryomodules were installed at the end of each section of linac.

  • GlueX Detector

    An overhead view of Hall D, the newest experimental hall at Jefferson Lab, and part of the 12 GeV Upgrade project. On Dec. 14, operators of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) delivered 12 GeV electrons (12.065 Giga electron Volts) to the Hall D complex. Critical to the detector system is the superconducting solenoid magnet – the large red and green equipment is the solenoid.

    The detector system will be used by the GlueX physics collaboration.

  • Detector Installation Continues

    Detector Installation Continues

    The new CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer for the 12 GeV Upgrade (CLAS12) is taking shape in Experimental Hall B. Here, the CLAS12 Torus magnet hub (center:silver hexagonal system) is installed, along with almost all of the drift chamber systems (Regions 1, 2 and 3).

    Thirty experiments have been approved to run in Hall B in the 12 GeV era.

  • Building a New System

    Building a New System

    In Hall C, the Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) is taking shape. Here, the Dipole magnet is being lowered to its final position in November 2016. The SHMS is being built as part of the 12 GeV Upgrade, and it will enable precision measurements of energetic particles produced in experiments in the 12 GeV era.

    The SHMS is joining the existing High Momentum Spectrometer in Hall C.

  • 2016 Open House

    Staff Scientist Mark Ito talks with a group of visitors in the Hall D counting house during the open house on April 30. He briefly explained the scientific purpose of the hall to visitors, before they went into the hall. For more information and photos, click here.

    The open house attracted 12,000 visitors – the highest ever for this event.

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