Credit Bureau Center’s Online Rental Scam

Renting an apartment online? First, let me tell you about the FTC’s case against Credit Bureau Center, LLC – a company that posted fake online rentals to lure people to their credit monitoring sites. 

How does this scam work? You’re looking at photos of rentals, on a site like Craigslist. You email the owner who says the apartment is still available but you need a credit check before seeing it. They direct you to their own websites, which say you’ll get a free credit report. 

But what you don’t know is: The ads are fake and the credit report isn’t free. The properties don’t exist or belong to other people who haven’t authorized them being advertised. When you go to get your “free” credit report, you’re enrolled in a credit monitoring service (based on hidden small print) and charged $29.94 per month, unless you cancel within seven days. 

The FTC got a court order against Credit Bureau Center LLC, halting their scam. Why? The company lied by saying properties were available when they were not. Also, Credit Bureau Center didn’t clearly tell people they were being enrolled in a credit monitoring service with a monthly fee.

If you’re renting and want to avoid a scam, here are a few tips:

Want to learn more about avoiding scams like this one? Check out Rental Listing Scams. Think you’ve been the victim of an online rental scam? Report it to the FTC.


Ok i tried to call the toll free # for free annual credit report and the number is wrong goes into a ring then like a fax machine sound what am I missing ?

We corrected the phone number. You can get a free credit report from or by calling 1-877-322-8228.

Same here. But because you reported first, I got the right # Thanks.

Thanks for letting me have some time to know the truth me

I recognize that name from years ago; fought them for a year or so before they finally got shut down and then they just popped back up under new, similar names; I could tell by the similarities of wording in their spams/scams. IIRC the FTC got into it eventually and I though clobbered them out of existence; guess not.

I have been a victim of check fraud since 12/22/17.

I have been victim of a phoney check scam. M y bank will not help me. I don't know what to do. I haven't even paid my january bills yet. Through nofault of my own I now owe the bank 25000. Should get an attorney?

kathleen48 this is just a blog where people can comment about whatever the blog is about. If you want help you'll need to file under the title your problem falls under on their website. Which this will probably fall under Financial-check scams or something similar to that. Gather all the information you have before reporting it to better help them help you. I hope this helps! :)


I and my daughter were a victim scam late last year. The deposit momey of 1795 was deposited in a designated bank account. We wereto meet at the said property to sign the agreement and get the keys. No one showed nor answered phone following. We alerted the bank to report the scam and asked the account be frozen. We were told it would take time. We reported it to the police as well as a realestate agent that had listed the property. The bank was no help. I believe it was a inside job, because the teller hesitated to act. I was told I had to speak to the manager who suposibly was not in. Manager was to call back, butnever did Isn't mobey FDIC protected, and my money should have been returned? It was all the money we had at the tine and loosing it caused a great set back. There is more to the story, but you get the just of it all. We faced being homeless because of it. Yet, I'm still hopeful that the culperts will be caught.

No legitimate landlord will take an application without showing you the property first.

This blog article is very good -- excellent translation of press release into an interesting read.

hi. what about those who promise free grants issued by the fed for rent or ..where is the fed?if i saw the fraudsters why can't the fed see them?

I learned the hard way many years ago, if a web site says "free", but asks for a credit card number, what ever the item is, it is NOT free, and to run the other way.

My person opinion about getting free credit reports from, doing it on line is the quickest and easiest.


I requested Equifax and Experian for a credit report and it came back as not available, also the phone # 1-877-332-8228 is not in service. What's this all about?

Sorry - we mixed up the number.

Here's the correct number:  1-877-322-8228

Filled out many. All wanted source #. Scams. Hahaha

When you get a call and believe it is a scam. Get the person's name, phone number and company's name. They will give you that information thinking you will work with them. Then open a complaint with FTC.

An apartment Community The La Estonia here in El Paso, advertises their two bedroom inits with all utilities paid at $679. However in person the package which includes the paid utilities is actually a $779 The property is well kept as are the units themselves, had i not been on a time crunch i would have mostly likely declined the offer.

Receiving calls from 3#'s, 248.997.4199, 4223, and 4366; all the same recorded message saying "do you still have over $10,000 in debt"? No, we don't, so I know it's a scam. Have reported all 3#'s. And blocked their calls. Ridiculous these people are still in business. Need to find them, and take them to court with prison time as part of their sentencing if they don't stop.

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