MassTech Intern Partnership

MassTech Intern Partnership logo

The MassTech Intern Partnership connects talented college students and recent graduates to internships in the state's dynamic technology sector. The program works with leading universities, technology councils, and other tech sector organizations in Massachusetts to recruit students and companies.  

Global Big Data Leadership


MassTech is a sponsor of the Massachusetts STEM Summit 2013, which will take place on November 13th at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Mass. 


MassTech is a sponsor of the Massachusetts STEM Summit 2013, which will take place on November 13th at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Mass. 



MassTech is a sponsor of the Massachusetts STEM Summit 2013

Interested in big data in Massachusetts? MassTech has created a web portal to provide a range of integrated and unique resources, including information about publicly available open data sets from across Massachusetts, a Mass Big Data events calendar, searchable regional job listings, and a map of Mass Big Data companies.  Visit

What's New

Massachusetts eHealth Institute

The Massachusetts eHealth Institute at MassTech (MeHI) is leading the state’s efforts to further innovation in health IT across the Commonwealth. MeHI is advancing the deployment of electronic health records systems in all health care provider settings and connecting them through the Massachusetts HIWay, the statewide health information exchange. Read More

Massachusetts Broadband Institute

MBI is extending affordable high-speed Internet access across the Commonwealth. The MassBroadband 123 network will extend broadband access across central and western Massachusetts, and we promote broadband usage by residents and businesses. Read More

Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse

MassTech™ and its divisions, the Innovation Institute, Massachusetts Broadband Institute, and Massachusetts eHealth Institute are committed to serving as prudent stewards of public funds. We take all allegations of waste or abuse of funds seriously. 

If you suspect any fraud, waste or abuse of funds, please contact us immediately:

    Phone: (508) 870-0312

    Fax: (508) 898-2275


You may also report suspected waste, fraud or misuse of funds directly to the Federal Government by clicking here.

FY 2016 Annual Report

FY 2016 Annual Report

Download The FY 2016 Annual Report

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Innovation Index

The Index of the Massachusetts Innovation Economy, published by MassTech annually since 1997, is the premier fact-based benchmark for measuring the performance of the Massachusetts knowledge economy.

Cover of the Index of the Massachusetts Innovation Economy 2015/16 Edition