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Rulemaking & Federal Register


Rulemaking is the process we use to create regulations. It is designed to ensure the public is informed of proposed rules, has the opportunity to comment on them, and have access to the rulemaking record.

Give us your comment - visit Open for Comment or Input


Rulemaking Process

    1. Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.

      In this optional step, we publish initial analysis of the subject and ask for public comment.

    2. Proposed Rule.

      The proposed regulatory language is published in the Federal Register, including justification and analysis behind the rule as well as our response to any advance public comment. 

    3. Public Comment.

      After publication in the Federal Register, a public comment period begins. Depending on the complexity of the rule, comment periods could be for 30 to 60 days, or even as much as 180 days.

    4. Final Rule.

      After the comment period, we publish our response to issues raised by public comments and an updated analysis and justification for the rule, including and analysis of any new information from public comments.

In some cases, we may publish a second draft proposed rule. This and any subsequent drafts also appear in the Federal Register.

Once we have analyzed and satisfied public concerns on every draft, the rule can be found by clicking Rules & Notices and is published in the Code of Federal Regulations.


Key Legislation

Key legislation related to FHFA, the regulated entities and our predecessor agencies is detailed under Key Legislation on Government page.


Code of Federal Regulations

e-CFR is a regularly updated, unofficial editorial compilation of CFR material and Federal Register amendments produced by the National Archives and Records Administration's Office of the Federal Register and the Government Printing Office.

Title 12 - Banks and Banking includes CFR materials for Federal Housing Finance Agency.

Federal Housing Finance Agency  - parts 1200-1299

Additionally, CFR materials for our predecessor agencies can be found:

  • Federal Housing Finance Board - parts 900-999

  • Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight & 
    Department of Housing and Urban Development - parts 1700-1799

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