• Read the new Research Blog Post – ADVANCE: Stretching Development Dollars and Improving HIV Treatment

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  • USAID works to improve youths’ capacities so they can contribute to, and benefit from, more stable, democratic and prosperous communities and nations.

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  • USAID is using the Test and Start approach as a strategy to meet the 90-90-90 treatment targets to achieve an AIDS-free world.

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  • The DREAMS Initiative is an ambitious $385 million partnership to reduce HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women in HIV priority areas in 10 sub-Saharan countries.

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  • USAID strives to eliminate HIV stigma, because HIV and AIDS care and treatment is a universal right.

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  • USAID’s Orphans and Vulnerable Children programming is targeted to increase children’s resilience to and reduce their risk for HIV/AIDS.

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"AIDS can be prevented. Antiretroviral drugs can extend life for many years... seldom has history offered a greater opportunity to do so much for so many.” – Former President George W. Bush, 2003 State of the Union Address, announcing the creation of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)


USAID is working to achieve the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS' ambitious 90–90–90 global goals by 2020.

  • 90% of People with HIV Diagnosed
  • 90% of them on ART
  • 90% of the virally supressed

USAID’s HIV and AIDS program has been on the forefront of the global AIDS crisis for 30 years. Today, more than 36.9 million people are living with HIV worldwide. USAID is a key implementing partner under the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the largest and most diverse HIV and AIDS prevention, care and treatment initiative in the world.

The Office of HIV/AIDS provides global leadership to maximize the impact of USAID’s overall response to HIV and AIDS. USAID also supports country-led efforts to combat the complex challenges of HIV and AIDS in more than 36 countries around the world.

By using the Agency’s unique health and development perspective, while leveraging our technical expertise, we partner with countries to ensure cost-effective, sustainable, and integrated HIV and AIDS programming that harnesses the latest science and technological innovations – all in order to achieve the goal of a world where HIV and AIDS are no longer burdens on health and development.

USAID Commemorates World AIDS Day 2016

Every year on World AIDS Day, the global community remembers those we have lost to HIV and AIDS and honors those fighting to achieve an AIDS-free generation. Read more about our 2016 commemoration.

Fast Facts

As a result of PEPFAR, USAID and other implementing partners have:

Icon of a stethoscope

Supported lifesaving antiretroviral treatment for more than 11.5 million people

Icon of a woman

Supported HIV counseling and testing for more than 74.3 million people, including 11.5 million pregnant women in FY 2016

Icon of a child with their hands up

Provided care and support for nearly 6.2 million orphans and vulnerable children and their families

Icon of a medical person with a stethoscope around their neck

Supported training for more than 220,000 healthcare workers to deliver HIV and other health services.

Last updated: January 24, 2017

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