  • Bureau of Reclamation

    2,140 views 2 years ago
    Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States, Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. Visit our website at www.usbr.gov Show less
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  • Bureau of Reclamation Play all

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  • Grand Coulee Dam -- World Class Hydro Play all

    Grand Coulee Dam is the Bureau of Reclamation's largest multipurpose project and includes three major hydroelectric power generating plants along with a pump-generating plant. Power production facilities at Grand Coulee Dam are among the largest in the world with a total generating capacity of 6,809 megawatts. The facilities provide power generation, irrigation, flood control, and streamflow regulation for fish migration, navigation, and recreation.
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  • Yakima Basin Integrated Plan Play all

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  • Tributary Habitat Improvements in the Pacific Northwest Play all

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  • Popular uploads Play all

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  • Colorado River Basin Study Webinar Play all

    Colorado River Basin Study Webinar - Five Parts
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  • Reclamation Climate Change Research Series Play all

    This video series summarizes collaborative research addressing climate change and variability impacts, estimating flood and drought hazards, and improving streamflow prediction. This information was presented in January at the Second Annual Progress Meeting on Reclamation Climate and Hydrology Research. To learn more about climate change and variability research please visit www.usbr.gov/research/climate.
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  • Reclamation Stakeholders Meeting - October 15, 2014 Play all

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  • Working in Reclamation's Pacific Northwest Region Play all

    Videos related to working in Reclamation's Pacific Northwest Region
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  • Arrowrock Dam: A Century of Service 1915-2015 Play all

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