Current Solicitations

Here is a list of current grant solicitations in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Additionally, some Federal agencies have specific web pages for nanotechnology funding opportunities. You can also find a variety of Government programs on our Funding Opportunities page.

This page is updated weekly, but for a full list of all available Federal grants visit, as well as Fed Biz As a note, solicitations are often worded generally and the technological tools to be employed, whether micro-, nano- or macro-scale, are not specified. Looking broadly into areas of interest—for instance, toxin removal or semiconducting materials—is often the best approach.  Dates below are deadline dates.

DoD: AFRL Small University Grants [BAA-RV-10-03]

The scope of the research shall include the entire spectrum of space that is applicable to the Air Force including all tangentially space-related research.

DoD: Army Research Office BAA for Basic and Applied Scientific Research [W911NF-12-R-0012]

The purpose of this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is to solicit research proposals in the engineering, physical, life, and information sciences for submission to the Army Research Office (ARO) for consideration for possible funding.

DoD: Army Research Laboratory BAA for Basic and Applied Scientific Research [W911NF-12-R-0011]

Research proposals are sought for a wide variety of scientific areas of basic research.

DoD: Air Force Research Lab Broad Agency Announcement [BAA-RQKM-2013-0005]

The objective of the AFRL Research Collaboration program is to enable collaborative research partnerships between AFRL and Academia and Industry in areas including but not limited to Materials and Manufacturing and Aerospace Sensors

DoD: Research Interests of the US Air Force Academy [USAFA -BAA-2009-1]

USAFA strives to conduct research to enhance the ability of the Air Force to perform its mission.

NIH: Image-Guided Cancer Interventions [ PA-10-079]

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), issued by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), encourages Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications from small business concerns (SBCs) that propose the development and clinical validation of systems for image-guided interventions (IGIs) for cancer.

NIH: Bioengineering Nanotechnology Initiative [PA-10-149]

The purpose of this trans-NIH Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to stimulate Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications that employ nanotechnology to enable the development of diagnostics and interventions for treating diseases.

NIH: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine [PA-11-148]

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to stimulate nanoscience and nanotechnology research approaches that have the potential to make valuable contributions to biology and medicine.

NIH: Cancer Diagnostic and Therapeutic Agents Enabled by Nanotechnology [PAR-10-286]

This Funding Opportunity Announcement, invites Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) cooperative agreement applications from small business concerns (SBCs) that propose to develop new, or to improve existing application(s) of nanotechnology-based therapeutics or/and in vivo diagnostics.

NSF: Metals and Metallic Nanostructures Program (MMN) [PD 09-1771]

The Metals and Metallic Nanostructures (MMN) Program supports fundamental research on the relationship between the structure and properties of metals and alloys. "Structure" is used in the broadest sense, encompassing length scales from the atomic to the macroscopic, including the nano, micro and mesoscales.