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Japan, Korea & APEC

USTR's Office of Japan, Korea, and APEC Affairs develops and implements trade and trade-related policy toward Japan and Korea and within the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC).

With respect to Japan, the office leads comprehensive trade and regulatory reform-related initiatives to further open the world's second largest economy to U.S. goods and services. The office leads the consultations with Japan concerning its possible interest in joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The office also addresses specific bilateral trade irritant issues with Japan, monitors Japan's compliance with its international and bilateral trade agreements, and coordinates with Japan on regional and global trade issues of mutual concern and interest.

With respect to Korea, the office led the 2006-2007 U.S.-Korea trade agreement negotiations, as well as the additional negotiations that resulted in the landmark December 2010 trade deal that led to Congressional approval of the U.S.- Korea agreement KORUS. Since the agreement's entry into force on March 15, 2012, the office is closely monitoring Korea's implementation of its obligations.  As part of this effort the office also coordinates the work of the 20 committees and working groups established under the agreement to oversee its implementationin specific issue areas.  The office also addresses specific emerging bilateral trade issues with Korea, monitors and enforces Korea's compliance with other multilateral and bilateral trade agreements, and coordinates with Korea on regional and global trade issies of mutial interest and concern.

On APEC, the office advances U.S. trade policy regionally through the APEC Forum, comprised of 21 Member Economies, representing approximately 44 percent of global trade. The office is responsible for the development and implementation of U.S. priorities and initiatives in APEC with respect to trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, We are closely working with Indonesia, the 2013 APEC host and the other APEC economies on APEC’s trade and investment agenda.