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Duty to Serve Program


Federal law requires the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to issue a regulation to implement the Duty to Serve requirements specified in the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992, as amended by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.   The statute requires Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises) to provide leadership to facilitate a secondary market for mortgages on housing for very low-, low-, and moderate-income families in three underserved markets specified in the statute:

  • Manufactured housing
  • Affordable housing preservation
  • Rural housing

FHFA has issued a final rule that takes into consideration underserved markets needs and safety and soundness.


Final Rule as published in Federal Register (12-29-16)
News Release - Final Rule (12-13-2016)
Stakeholder Webinar Overview (12-19-2016)
Stakeholder Webinar Slides (12-19-2016) 
Stakeholder Webinar Transcript (12-19-2016)
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Duty to Serve Program Fact Sheet (12-13-2016)
News Release and Proposed Rule (12-15-2015)
Proposed Rule Fact Sheet (12-15-2015)


Data and Tools

The Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 establishes a duty for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to serve very low-, low-, and moderate-income families in rural areas.   Census tracts that are considered rural areas or non-rural areas for Duty to Serve purposes are available through the link below.

Link to Duty to Serve Rural Areas Data



Duty to Serve Listening Sessions – Underserved Market Plans

FHFA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac will co-host a series of public listening sessions in early 2017, coinciding with the period during which the Enterprises will draft their Underserved Market Plans.   The Underserved Market Plans describe the activities that the Enterprises will undertake to meet their Duty to Serve obligations over a three-year period.   The listening sessions are an opportunity for interested stakeholders to offer suggestions directly to the Enterprises about items to consider including in the Underserved Market Plans.

The dates and locations of the sessions are:

Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Wednesday, February 8, 2017
FHFA Headquarters
Washington, DC

Thursday, February 9, 2017

The in-person listening sessions are tentatively scheduled to begin at 9:00 am and conclude at 5:00 pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Registration Now Closed!
Stay tuned for more information about these sessions.

Send an email to: DutyToServeStakeholders@fhfa.gov
Provide General Input  
View General Input  

Proposed Evaluation Guidance (1-13-2017)


FHFA has published proposed Evaluation Guidance for public input. The purpose of the Guidance is two-fold: to communicate FHFA’s expectations regarding the development of the Underserved Markets Plans and to describe the process by which FHFA will evaluate the Enterprises’ achievements under their Plans each year.

The public will have until May 15, 2017 to provide input on the Proposed Evaluation Guidance. Please provide input here.
You can also view input here.

Public Input on Potential Chattel Pilot (1-18-2017)

The final rule establishes a Regulatory Activity for Enterprise activities related to facilitating a secondary market for loans on manufactured homes titled as personal property, also referred to as chattel.   While FHFA expects the Enterprises to serve manufactured homes titled as real estate, FHFA has also determined that the Enterprises should be eligible to receive Duty to Serve credit, subject to FHFA approval, for pursuing chattel pilot initiatives, in a safe and sound manner, that would serve very low-, low, and moderate-income manufactured home households.   FHFA requests public input on what the Enterprises should consider including in a chattel pilot to serve this market in a safe and sound manner.  

The public will have until February 17, 2017 to provide input on Potential Manufactured Home Chattel Loans Pilots.
Please provide input here. You can also view input here.

Timeline »

Click to view Duty to Serve program timeline

About Us

Lauryn Alleva
Senior Policy Analyst

Matt Douglas
Duty to Serve Assistant Program Manager

Jim Gray
Duty to Serve Program Manager

Shannon Maloney
Duty to Serve Program Analyst

Shiv Rawal
Duty to Serve Affordable Rural Specialist

Meet the Experts

© 2016 Federal Housing Finance Agency