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​House Price Index


The HPI is a broad measure of the movement of single-family house prices. The HPI is a weighted, repeat-sales index, meaning that it measures average price changes in repeat sales or refinancings on the same properties. This information is obtained by reviewing repeat mortgage transactions on single-family properties whose mortgages have been purchased or securitized by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac since January 1975.

The HPI serves as a timely, accurate indicator of house price trends at various geographic levels. Because of the breadth of the sample, it provides more information than is available in other house price indexes. It also provides housing economists with an improved analytical tool that is useful for estimating changes in the rates of mortgage defaults, prepayments and housing affordability in specific geographic areas.

The HPI includes house ​price figures for the nine Census Bureau divisions, for the 50 states and the District of Columbia, and for Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and Divisions.

FHFA publishes monthly and quarterly HPI reports.  See latest HPI Report.

See HPI release dates



Monthly Purchase-Only Indexes
The standard indexes reported in monthly news releases. Use prices from sales transactions of mortgage data obtained from the Enterprises.

Quarterly Purchase-Only Indexes
The standard indexes reported in quarterly news releases. Use prices from sales transactions of mortgage data obtained from the Enterprises     

Quarterly All-Transactions Indexes
Build on the purchase-only index data by adding prices from appraisal data obtained from the Enterprises.

Quarterly Expanded-Data indexes
Build on the purchase-only and all-transactions index data by adding prices from FHA and county recorder data.  

Purchase-Only Indexes Volatility​ Parameters
The standard deviation of house price growth (accounting for the time between repeat sales). Use prices from sales transactions of mortgage data obtained from the Enterprises.    

All-Transactions Indexes Volatility Parameters
The standard deviation of house price growth (accounting for the time between repeat sales). Build on the purchase-only volatility data by adding prices from appraisal data obtained from the Enterprises.




HPI County Map

HPI Four-Quarter Appreciation US

HPI Four-Quarter Appreciation Map

HPI Motion Chart

HPI Summary Tables

HPI Calculator


Frequently Asked Questions

House Price Index FAQs


Related Documents

Methodology: HPI Technical Paper

House Price Index Focus Pieces


HPI Release Dates


Release Type

Latest Included Data 

December 22, 2016

Monthly Index

October 2016

​January 25, 2017

​Monthly Index

​November 2016

​February 23, 2017

​Quarterly Index (with Monthly Tables)

​Dec. 2016 and 2016Q4

​March 22, 2017

​Monthly Index

​January 2017

​April 25, 2017

​Monthly Index

​February 2017

​May 24, 2017

​Quarterly Index (with Monthly Tables)

​March 2017 and 2017Q1

​June 22, 2017

​Monthly Index

​April 2017

​July 25, 2017

​Monthly Index

​May 2017

​August 22, 2017

​Quarterly Index (with Monthly Tables)

​June 2017 and 2017Q2

​September 21, 2017

​Monthly Index

​July 2017

​October 25, 2017

​Monthly Index

​August 2017

​November 28, 2017

​Quarterly Index (with Monthly Tables)

​Sept. 2017 and 2017Q3

​December 21, 2017

​Monthly Index

​October 2017


© 2016 Federal Housing Finance Agency