Beginning Farmers

A farmer in Lamont, FL, NRCS Outreach Coordinator and FAMU, Farm Management Specialist, confer on conservation techniques that Hall incorporated in the conservation plan for his farm. NRCSFL97003

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Watch this short video tutorial to learn more about funding sources for farmers and ranchers. The video is a companion to the Small Farm Funding Resources publication that covers tools to develop a business plan, write a grant proposal, locate funding and assistance programs and more.

USDA. NAL. Rural Information Center.

Find tools to develop a business plan, write a grant proposal, locate funding and assistance programs and more.

United States Department of Agriculture.

Agriculture is full of exciting and rewarding opportunities. Farming is a tough job, but at the heart of it all, you'll see a vibrant community contributing to the future of our nation’s health and food security. Find the resources from the USDA other Federal agencies and partners to help you get started.

University of Minnesota. Center for Farm Financial Management.

Farm Answers features a library of how-to resources and guidance, a directory of beginning farmer training programs, toolboxes to help you address your biggest challenges when starting a farm, and news, blog, podcasts and other sources of current information in agriculture.

USDA. NAL. Agricultural Law Information Partnership.

Information about  legal and regulatory considerations and well as general background for those starting agricultural farm or ranch businesses.