National Institutes of Health Wnt Working Group
Wnt Working Group

The Wnt Working Group is now a scientific interest group and hopes to foster collaborations via broader interactions within the NIH intramural program.  The Wnt Working Group currently consists of scientists from the NIH campus in Bethesda, the NCI facility at Frederick and the local extramural community.  Participants come from labs entirely devoted to Wnt research as well as labs in which Wnt signaling is a narrower, perhaps transient interest.  We meet every couple months to present our unpublished research in a confidential setting intended to give timely feedback and encourage collaboration.  Subject matter reflects the wide range of Wnt research in development and disease.  Typically we have two seminar speakers at each session, and meetings alternate between the Bethesda and Frederick campuses.  Speakers often come from the ranks of our postdoctoral fellows.  Occasionally, we also have seminars from invited speakers outside the NIH.  For more information or to join, contact moderators Jeffrey Rubin or Terry Yamaguchi, NCI.

Note that this is a new website and other pages are under construction.   
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892.
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