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​​Contact Us


​FHFA is an independent federal regulatory agency located in Washington, D.C. with a mission to provide oversight of the Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank System.  Additionally, FHFA is the Conservator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 


Please let us know how we can help you.



Homeowners Needing Assistance

If you are a homeowner needing assistance with your Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac mortgage please complete the Homeowner Assistance form in the I want to: section.

Researchers & Students

If you are a student, researcher or other interested party needing information about FHFA's House Price Index, data or research please complete the Data and Research form in the I want to: section.

Business Owners and Representatives

If you are a business owner or representative interested in selling your product or service to FHFA you must complete the Doing Business With Us form in the "I want to" section. To reach the small business and procurement contact email Janice.Uthe@FHFA.gov.

General Public

If you have a question or comment about FHFA's policy, programs or actions please complete the General Questions and Comments in the I want to: section. Do not complete this form if you want to provide comment or input on a proposed rule or public input on a policy issue - please see Comment on Rulemaking below.

Comment on Rulemaking

If you would like to provide comment on a proposed rule, go to Rule Making and Federal Register. If you would like to provide input on a Public Input Notice that is published in the Federal Register and is open for input, go to Items Open for Input page.

Input on Policy

To provide input on policy issues that are open for input, visit the Provide Input Form​ and select the topic of interest.

Job Applicants

For vacancy announcements visit Careers, USA Jobs or contact the Office of Human Resources Management at 202-649-3807.


Media please contact:    MediaInquiries@FHFA.gov or 202-649-3700.

Congressional Affairs

Members of Congress or staff please contact: the Office of Congressional Affairs at 202-649-3802.


Report technical difficulties or accessibility issues to FHFAwebmaster@fhfa.gov or 202-649-3031.

Report Waste, Fraud or Abuse

Contact the FHFA Office of Inspector General www.fhfaoig.gov.



Constitution Center
400 7th Street, SW

Washington, D.C. 20219

Phone: 202-649-3800
Fax: 202-649-1071


Please note: that all mail sent to FHFA via the post office is routed through a security process that may delay the delivery by approximately two weeks.  For time sensitive correspondence, please plan accordingly.


© 2016 Federal Housing Finance Agency