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Scientific Director Policy Updates for Mentors and Trainees

At the December 19, 2001, Scientific Director (SD) meeting, the Fellows Committee presented a series of recommendations, based on the Postdoctoral Fellows Mentoring Survey results, for improving mentoring at the NIH. In response to that presentation, a subcommittee, including Drs. E. Nabel, Longo, Metzger, Desimone and Schwartz, developed and presented three documents they had prepared. These documents describe "Guidelines for Mentors at the National Institutes of Health", "Guidelines for Trainees at the National Institutes of Health", and "Guidelines for Annual Review of Trainees". The latter includes three sample Annual Progress Review forms and the committee suggested that each SD could specify that his/her PIs use one of these, leave it up to the PIs to decide which they preferred to use, or develop a comparable form. The important point is that every PI have an annual meeting with all trainees in the laboratory and that the meeting be documented using a standard format for the IC. These documents were approved by the Scientific Directors at their meeting on May 1, 2002.

First Established:
Wednesday, May 1, 2002 - 9:00am

The page was last updated on Monday, March 23, 2015 - 8:25am