State T&E Data

Through the links below, find information about Threatened and Endangered Species by BLM state or region.  

The state information also includes data related to sensitive species.

What is a Sensitive Species?

The BLM manages habitat for all animal and plant species that inhabit BLM-managed public lands.  When a particular native wildlife, fish or plant species occurring on BLM lands becomes at-risk, and the BLM has the capability to significantly affect the species future, the BLM State Director can designate the species as BLM Sensitive.  This designation helps to reduce the likelihood of the species being listed as Threatened or Endangered under the Endangered Species Act.  BLM biologists review and update the Sensitive Species lists periodically.  The BLM then devotes special attention to maintaining or improving habitats for these species using the best available science and through partnerships with other government agencies and private landowners.