Tag: jobs

When you’re on the hunt for income, the last thing you want is to be misled about the earnings and benefits that a business opportunity offers. Today, the FTC announced that Uber agreed to a $20 million settlement of the FTC’s charges that the...

Getting your first paycheck is a big deal. But it also can be a surprise when you see your employer took out money for different taxes and benefits. Why does that happen? And is there anything you can do about it?

Read the new article about...

Have you seen ads promising easy money if you shrink-wrap your car — with ads for brands like Monster Energy, Red Bull, or Pepsi? The “company” behind the ads says all you have to do is deposit a check, use part of it to pay a specified shrink-...

Criminals don’t like getting caught. So, when they want to send and receive stolen money, they get someone else to do the dirty work. Some scammers develop online relationships and ask their new sweetheart or friend to accept a deposit and...

You’re job hunting online and see a job ad for a well-known company. It’s on a site that says it pre-screens people for big employers, like banks, government agencies, and multinational companies. You apply and get a message asking you to...

This is National Reentry Week, a time to recognize the work government agencies and others do to address the challenges facing formerly incarcerated people. Consumer knowledge helps with successful reentry, giving people the tools to better...

Women make up slightly more than half of the US population, according to the US Census Bureau. Which means that about half of the people affected by the big cases we bring – say, against AT&T for throttling “unlimited” data, ASUSTek for...

You never got your high school diploma, but realize now is the right time. You find a high school diploma program, work hard studying and taking exams, and finally, get a diploma.

Or so you think. When you go to enroll in college, you find...

There are plenty of good reasons to get your high school diploma as an adult. It can open doors to a new job or promotion, or help you get into college or the military. But before you start looking into your options, make sure you know how to...

Snowed in? Here’s a cabin-fever buster – catch up on FTC videos, games, and audio tips! It’s the quickest way to learn how to protect yourself, and your family, from fraud and scams.

Our videos can tell you how to detect identity theft,...
