USAID's Investments in Peru - Dollars to Results

30.5 Million
Average Annual Income
$11,280 per Person

Despite a decade of impressive economic growth and democratic progress, many Peruvians have yet to see tangible benefits from these advances, fostering a sense of social, economic, and political exclusion. Peru must broaden economic opportunities and strengthen government capacity to provide social services to those of its citizens that currently feel excluded. Otherwise, illegal activity, environmental degradation, and social conflict might weaken its future economic growth and democratic consolidation. Working hand-in-hand with the Goverment of Peru, USAID seeks to strengthen Peru’s stability and democracy by supporting increased social and economic inclusion and reductions in illicit coca cultivation and the illegal exploitation of natural resources. To achieve this goal, USAID is implementing three development objectives: (1) Alternatives to illicit coca cultivation increased in targeted regions; (2) Management and quality of public services improved in the Amazon Basin; and (3) Natural resources sustainably managed in the Amazon Basin and glacier highlands.

Note: Click on the bar chart or navigation panel below for more information.


For complete data on USAID's disbursements please visit the Foreign Assistance Dashboard.

Results of USAID’s spending in Peru

Fishermen catch trout in Puno, Peru.

Fishermen catch trout in Puno, Peru.


View the "Real Lives, Real Progress" infographic (PDF, 1.13MB)

Disclaimer: Dollars to Results links spending in a fiscal year to results reported for that same year. The data may differ from other USAID and U.S. Government websites because they use different timeframes and reporting parameters for information displayed. Please refer to the FAQs for more details.