USAID's Investments in Ethiopia - Dollars to Results

95.9 Million
Average Annual Income
$1,303 per Person

Ethiopia plays a pivotal role in regional peacekeeping and security within the Horn of Africa region. A healthy and prosperous Ethiopia will increasingly contribute to the stability and economic progress in the region and, as such, is an important trading partner and security ally for the United States.

Note: Click on the bar chart or navigation panel below for more information.


For complete data on USAID's disbursements please visit the Foreign Assistance Dashboard.

Results of USAID’s spending in Ethiopia

Members of a women's milk cooperative gather to send milk for sale to town in Somali Region, Ethiopia.

Members of a women's milk cooperative gather to send milk for sale to town in Somali Region, Ethiopia.

Nena Terrell/USAID

View the "Real Lives, Real Progress" infographic (PDF, 1.13MB)

Disclaimer: Dollars to Results links spending in a fiscal year to results reported for that same year. The data may differ from other USAID and U.S. Government websites because they use different timeframes and reporting parameters for information displayed. Please refer to the FAQs for more details.