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Stay Out Stay Alive Dangerous Places


Mine, quarries, sand and gravel pits are not parks or playgrounds.

Stay away from them!

Many different dangers at mines can hurt or even kill you.

Piles of of rock, dirt, or sand are not safe to climb or slide on. They can slide down on top of you and cover you up.

Big trucks, trains, and other machines can run over you. If you're close to them, the drivers can't see you. And if they do see someone in the way, it takes a long time for a big truck to slow down and stop.

Power lines, cables, and electric machinery can give you a DEADLY electric shock.

Explosives could go off and hurt you.

Ponds and old quarry pits full of water can drown you. There are no life guards, and dangers can be out of sight under the water.

Mine roads and off-road areas are not safe places to ride a bike or all-terrain vehicle. You could run into hidden pits or other hazards, fall off a steep place, or roll over and be badly hurt.

Underground shafts and tunnels can trap you. You could get lost, fall down a shaft, have rocks fall on you, or run into poisonous gas.

It has happened to other kids.
Don't let it happen to you!
Don't ever go to a mine to play.
We want you to be with us a long time!

More Place to Stay Away From   Go to this page to learn more about "Places To Stay Away From!"
Stay Out! Stay Alive!   Go to this page to learn more about "SOSA" (Stay Out! Stay Alive)