The 10-member Council advises the Secretary of the Interior, through the BLM, on a variety of planning and management issues associated with the RMP process for the Dominguez-Escalante NCA and Dominguez Canyon Wilderness. According to the Act, the 10-member council should include:

  1. One member appointed after considering the recommendations of the Mesa County Commission.
  2. One member appointed after considering the recommendations of the Montrose County Commission.
  3. One member appointed after considering the recommendations of the Delta County Commission.
  4. One member appointed after considering the recommendations of permittees holding grazing allotments within the Dominguez-Escalante NCA or the wilderness.
  5. Six members who reside in or within reasonable proximity to Mesa, Delta or Montrose counties with backgrounds that reflect:
  • The purposes for which the D-E NCA or wilderness was established.
  • The interests of the stakeholders that are affected by the planning and management of the D-E NCA and wilderness.
Representative Interest Term Expiration
Katie Steele Recreation and Cultural Resources 2016
Bill Harris Recreation and Cultural Resources 2016
Kaye Simonson Mesa County 2016
Oscar Massey Grazing 2016
Tamera Minnick Scientific, Educational and Ecological Values 2016
Ralph Files Montrose County 2016
Bob Janowski Grand Mesa Jeep Club & Western Slope ATV Assoc. 2016
Kate Graham Conservation Colorado 2016
Craig Grother Wildlife 2017
Doug Atchley Delta County 2017
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