
First Steps to Treatment

Your provider may order some tests During your initial visit your healthcare provider may ask if you need access to: Medication Management Programs, Supportive Care, Mental Health Care, Food Assistance It's possible that you will have to complete additional forms or show that you meet eligibility requirements to get access to these programs. Talk with your provider to determine which programs may be right for you.
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First Steps to Treatment

You may feel a little overwhelmed when you first begin treatment for your HIV disease. During your first appointment, your healthcare provider should ask you questions about your medical history, conduct a physical exam, and order various medical tests. This is also a good time to ask all of the questions you may have about living with HIV and various treatment options available to you.

  • The initial medical tests your provider may order will give a better understanding of how the HIV virus is affecting your immune system. Two of the most important tests will be a CD4 count and a viral load test. You may also take a drug resistance test to determine the best medication options for you. The results of all of these tests will provide a baseline measurement for future tests.

Your provider may also order some other tests:

  • Complete blood count
  • Blood chemistry profile (including liver and kidney function tests)
  • Urinalysis
  • Tests for other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Tests for other infections, such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, or toxoplasmosis
  • An HLA-B*5701 test: Checks to see if you have a sensitivity to a specific HIV medication (abacavir) and should avoid taking it.
  • Coreceptor tropism assay: Checks to see if a specific type of HIV medication is appropriate for you. This test is usually used only if your body has shown resistance to other medications.

Other Needs and Services

When you are beginning treatment for HIV, you may need other services and/or support. During your initial few visits your healthcare provider or case manager may ask you if you need access to the following:

  • Housing
  • Supportive care and in-home health care
  • Mental health care
  • Food assistance
  • Support groups
  • Activity groups
  • Pharmacy-assisted medication management programs

It’s possible that you will have to complete additional forms or show that you meet eligibility requirements to get access to these programs. Talk with your provider to determine which programs may be right for you.

Last revised: 06/01/2012