• What was your main reason for visiting AIDS.gov today? (Select the option below that best matches) *
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  • Were you successful in finding what you were looking for today? *
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  • In addition to the information you were seeking, did you find other information, links, or tools that are useful to you? *
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  • Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
    Visual appeal of the site *
    Ease of locating information on the site *
    Options available for navigating the site *
    Number of clicks to get to where you wanted to go *
    Readability of the content *
    Amount of information provided *
    Quality of information provided *
    Your overall experience on the site *
  • How likely are you to return to AIDS.gov in the future? *
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  • How likely are you to recommend AIDS.gov to a friend or colleague? *
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  • Which best describes the primary role that brought you to AIDS.gov today? I am a(n): *
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  • I plan to use the information I found today *
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  • Have you ever visited AIDS.gov before? *
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  • If yes, how often in the past 12 months?
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