• Photo by Mark Teckenbrock

    Photo by Mark Teckenbrock

  • Eric Collins cuts off the bottom of a sea ice core containing sea ice algae. Image courtesy of Eric Collins

    Eric Collins cuts off the bottom of a sea ice core containing sea ice algae. Image courtesy of Eric Collins

  • Ben Weitzman studies an urchin barren off the coast of the Aleutian Islands. Photo by Brenda Konar.

    Ben Weitzman studies an urchin barren off the coast of the Aleutian Islands. Photo by Brenda Konar.

  • Elassochirus tenuimanus, the wide-handed hermit crab. Photo by Leah Sloan

    Elassochirus tenuimanus, the wide-handed hermit crab. Photo by Leah Sloan

  • Brian Ulaski holds up a water sample from the CTD that he will filter for microbes. Photo courtesy of Caitlin Bailey, GFOE, The Hidden Ocean 2016: Chukchi Borderlands

    Brian Ulaski holds up a water sample from the CTD that he will filter for microbes. Photo courtesy of Caitlin Bailey, GFOE, The Hidden Ocean 2016: Chukchi Borderlands

  • The R/V Sikuliaq departs from Honolulu, Hawaii in early December. Photo by Lauren Frisch.

    The R/V Sikuliaq departs from Honolulu, Hawaii in early December. Photo by Lauren Frisch.

At the UAF College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, we challenge our students to explore academically, geographically and culturally. We are a community of scholars that provide opportunities for students to learn and conduct research in some of the most beautiful and pristine locations in the world.


sea star

UAF’s Baker uses fishing background to feed role as educator

With the dual perspective of a commercial fisherman and educator, Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory agent Torie Baker strives to help Cordova fishermen connect with each other and run successful businesses.

“Sometimes I feel like the den mother,” Baker said. “I like that people are able to come to my office and ask basic questions or run through ideas they’ve been thinking about to improve their bottom line.”

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sea ice

Meet the Sikuliaq Crew: Arthur Levine

Arthur Levine, an able-bodied seaman on the R/V Sikuliaq, has discovered he loves working in the arctic.

Levine grew up surrounded by naval officers and other boat-oriented professionals. “Hearing their stories, and then sailing during high school got me wanting to work out on a ship as well,” he said. Levine decided to attend the Massachusetts Maritime Academy where he focused on marine transportation and earned a third mate’s license.

 Arthur Levine works on the sea ice with the R/V Sikuliaq in the background. Photo by Kevin Reinhardt

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dolly warden

Student Spotlight: Kofan Lu

Kofan Lu is a long way from her home country of Taiwan, but Alaska seems to suit her perfectly.

Kofan is a doctoral student at the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences studying ocean and sea-ice modeling.
"My research topic is about instability-induced eddies, sea ice dynamics and modeling," she explains.

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Contact Us

UAF College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences 
905 N. Koyukuk Drive
245 O’Neill Building
PO Box 757220
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7220

General Phone: 907-474-7824
General Fax: 907-474-7204


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