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Agricultural Education

Man and young woman in field

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Lists U.S. institutions and organizations that offer undergraduate and graduate programs, research opportunities, or training in organic, alternative, or sustainable agriculture. Identifies student farms and research and demonstration farms.

USDA. National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Provides a web directory of more than 100 land-grant colleges, universities, and tribal colleges in the United States and its territories.

USDA. National Institute of Food and Agriculture; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Gathers and compiles a broad range of empirical data related to enrollment trends, emerging disciplines, student placement, and faculty salaries in the food and agricultural sciences.

American Indian Higher Education Consortium.

Addresses issues related to funding, leadership, development, and research in support of the thirty-four tribal colleges that support Native American Higher Education.