HUD USER Archives

The HUD USER Archives is composed of collections of archived web pages that are no longer being updated due to budgetary and other constraints. The intent of these pages is to catalog, provide access to, and preserve digital materials.


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About PD&R

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      Historical information about PD&R’s role and mission are contained in these pages..

Office of University Partnerships


Office of University Partnerships

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      These pages contain information and materials relating to programs funded by the Office of University Partnerships. Due to budgetary constraints, beginning FY2012, OUP stopped awarding these grants. This section of the archives also contains links to old newsletters produced by the Office of University Partnerships.

Past PD&R Periodicals


Past PD&R Periodicals

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      These periodicals were previously produced by PD&R and featured on HUD USER, but are no longer in production. Some of the articles from these periodicals have been incorporated into PD&R’s online magazine, The Edge.

Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse


Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse

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      The Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse (RBC) collects and disseminates information on the production and preservation of affordable housing and sustainable communities through a searchable database of state and local programs and policies that encourage housing affordability. The following initiatives and periodicals were previously hosted on the RBC site, but have now been discontinued.

Sustainable Communities Resource Center


Sustainable Communities Resource Center

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      The Sustainable Communities Resource Center (SCRC) was intended to provide the public with a comprehensive set of information that supports local and regional strategies, with a particular emphasis on sustainable housing and planning. The Resource Center provided ready access to best practices, cutting edge research, new reports and resources, and spotlights innovation in the field. Funding for the SCRC was cut beginning with FY2014.

International and Philanthropic Innovation


International and Philanthropic Innovation

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      The Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation (IPI) supports HUD's efforts to find new solutions and align ideas and resources by working across public, private, and civil sectors to further HUD's mission.

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