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Assembly of Scientists (AOS)

The Council of the NIH Assembly of Scientists (AOS) is an elected committee representing its constituents (Tenured and Tenure-Track Investigators, Staff Clinicians and Staff Scientists, including Intramural or Extramural employees of the NIH) to the NIH leadership. The Council meets regularly with the NIH Deputy Director for Intramural Research as well as other senior NIH leaders to discuss issues affecting the AOS constituency. Representatives from the NIH AOS Council attend key NIH committee meetings including the Board of Scientific Directors, the Deputy Ethics Counselors meeting, and others as agreed upon with the NIH DDIR. The AOS actively seeks from its constituency ideas and concerns that relate to the NIH policies and procedures relating to personnel, programs, and mission. The Council disseminates information and best practices to its constituency through various means, including an annual town hall meeting. For important issues affecting its membership, the AOS Council may pass resolutions that will be presented to the DDIR and Scientific Directors for their consideration. For more information, see the NIH AOS Web site.

The page was last updated on Thursday, September 22, 2016 - 12:20pm