The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) offers an information service to make it easier for you to learn more about topics in alcohol research. You can sign up here to receive e-mail notifications when new publications (including the NIAAA journal) and other resources become available from NIAAA.

How to Start, Change, or Cancel Your Subscription

Using this new service you will be able to update your subscriptions and preferences, change your email address, or cancel your subscription at any time. Simply log in using your email address to access your Subscription Preferences page. Be sure to save any changes. You will receive a confirmation via email verifying the updates you make.

Privacy Policies

When you sign up for this subscription service, you will be asked to provide your e-mail address and the subscriptions you would like to receive. Providing this information is voluntary. It is necessary, however, to provide this information in order to participate in this service.

GovDelivery will use the information you provide to deliver the notifications you have requested and to allow you to update your subscription preferences. Please review the GovDelivery privacy policy to learn how GovDelivery may use your information: GovDelivery Privacy Policy.

NIAAA also will have access to the information you provide to GovDelivery, and the NIAAA privacy policy may be found here: NIAAA Privacy Policy

Prevent GovDelivery E-mails From Being Marked “Spam” or “Junk”

To ensure that you receive the subscription e-mails and updates from GovDelivery, please add the e-mail address “” to your contact list, adjust your spam settings, or follow the instructions from your e-mail provider on how to prevent these e-mails from being marked “Spam” or “Junk” mail.