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Technical Assistance and Resources for Veterans

A rainy morning does not stop the Bigg Riggs Farm team member Shaylyn Bohrer from setting up their produce stand at the Old Town Farmers' Market in Alexandria, VA on Saturday, Jun. 27, 2015
USDA’s New Farmers website provides a variety of additional educational resources that can help you access market news, weather and commodity projections, produce safety guides, and more.  

USDA grant funding supports a number of organizations devoted to providing technical assistance and education to beginning farmers.  In particular, starting in 2014, the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program and the Outreach and Assistance to Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program offered set aside funding for veterans training.  As those training programs and resources are developed, they will be shared at  Meanwhile, see the Farm Training and Apprenticeships page for opportunities for beginning farmers to build qualifications and experience– some of which already focus on serving veterans.   

One of the primary sources of support to farming operations is the extensive network of state, regional, and county Cooperative Extension offices. The USDA and agricultural colleges around the country work together to support this service, which can help answer questions about common issues faced by agricultural producers. These offices also conduct workshops and educational events for the agricultural community.

Agrability:  If you have a disability, adaptive technologies are available to help you be successful in agriculture.  The AgrAbility program supports projects (led by State Cooperative Extension Services, in coordination with private, non-profit disability organizations) to enhance quality of life for farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural workers with disabilities.

ATTRA, an information service funded by USDA, provides resources and technical assistance for beginning farmers.