Prevention Programs Funded by the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program - Appendix E: Short Case Studies

Release Date: 

  • August 2015

Posted Date:   

  • November 2, 2015
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The Homelessness Prevention Study (HPS) documented the first 2 years of HPRP-funded homelessness prevention efforts. It included a nationally representative survey of HPRP grantees and subgrantees, analysis of HUD-required Annual Performance Report data, and 17 indepth case studies of local prevention programs. The communities chosen for case studies represent a range of approaches to homelessness prevention, as well as geographic diversity and a variety of special target populations. The case studies each describe the community, how they designed and implemented their HPRP prevention program—including details on outreach, point of entry, eligibility and assessment—data, monitoring, and future plans. The case studies give clear, concise, and detailed insight into different approaches to homelessness prevention.

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