
Fontenelle Dam

Current Status

(Last Updated: December 6, 2016)

Fontenelle Reservoir is currently at elevation 6489 ft (66% full). Inflows for the month of November totaled 62,000 acre-feet (af), or 147 percent of average. Above average inflows are forecasted over the next few months. Releases will be maintained at 1,025 cfs through the winter, subject to hydrology.

The Colorado Basin River Forecast Center has forecasted spring inflows that are above average. December, January and February forecasted inflow volumes amount to 38,000 af (119 percent of average), 32,000 af (107 percent of average), and 28,000 af (101 percent of average), respectively. 

To view the most current reservoir elevation, content, inflow and release, click on: Fontenelle Reservoir Data.

Working Group Meetings

The next Fontenelle Working Group meeting is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., April 19, 2017. The meeting will be held at the Seedskadee Wildlife Refuge in Green River, Wyoming. The Fontenelle Working Group is an open public forum for information exchange between Reclamation and other parties associated with the operation of Fontenelle Reservoir.

The fall Fontenelle Working Group meeting was held on August 23, 2016 at the Wyoming Game and Fish Department in Green River, Wyoming (351 W. Astle Avenue). Minutes from the meeting are currently being drafted and will be posted on the Working Group webpages

Additional Information

Last Updated: 12/9/16