Ad hype: True or false?

When it comes to advertising hype, we’ve heard it all. Some can be very appealing: “Shrink two sizes without dieting!” Who wouldn’t love to lose weight or shape up with no effort? Well, the problem is, that’s not how it works. Take a pass on any product that offers weight loss or fitness results without any effort. Remember, no garment, gizmo, or cream is going to make you fit and toned.  

With some ads you might be able to spot the truth stretching a mile away. But more often than not, misleading ads can sound pretty plausible. Want to learn how to sort out the facts from a fib? Check out our new video, Ad hype: True or false?

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Health & Fitness


Why are the FTC V AT&T Refund Administrator checks being returned. I was also charged a $8 fee by my bank due to it being returned.

Very frequently rideshare companies use words such as partners, their company name Followed by driver which infers that independent contractors are employees of these companies thus giving people that use these the wrong impressio. Independent rideshare contractors are only that with no employment ties. Rideshare companies also mislead potential contractors with earning potentail that are unrealistic, and should provide the percentage of contractors that earn what the companies claim can be earned.

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