Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College campus

Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College campus. Photo by college.

AIHEC news

Stand with Standing Rock: A Call to Action for Tribal Colleges and Universities— Please join us in urging President Obama to take action TODAY to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline and to urge the North Dakota governor and the Morton County sheriff and police to STOP the abuse and violence against the peaceful, prayerful protectors of our land, waterways, and air. Every day, the air grows colder, the wind blows harder, and the senseless violence flows. Please call 202.456.1111 or 202.456.1414, and urge the President to stop DAPL now.
Help Standing Rock Sioux fight the Dakota Access Pipeline
Nearly 300 Native nations have pledged their support for the Standing Rock Sioux Nation to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline from tunneling under the Missouri River, in their effort to protect this life source. Deborah His Horse is Thunder states in her article in the Tribal College Journal that the gathering at Standing Rock affords TCUs an educational opportunity for teaching, learning, and healing. Red Lake Naton College students came to the camp with an assignment to discuss how this all connects environmentally, politically, historically, economically, tribally, personally, and spiritually. At the AIHEC fall 2016 Board of Directors meeting, our nation’s TCU presidents passed a resolution of support and solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in opposing construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. AIHEC 2016 Resolution in Solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
AIHEC is accepting donations for a legal defense fund for AIHEC NARCH Research Director, Deborah His Horse is Thunder, and her husband, who were arrested in October and charged with felonies. To donate to the HHiT Legal Defense Fund, send checks to AIHEC, 121 Oronoco Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Updates from Deborah

Tribal College Journal, a quarterly publication of AIHEC— Become a subscriber to receive a quarterly print issue and gain online access to all of TCJ's articles published since 1989. SUBSCRIBE

Blackfeet Community College Students at Summer Encampment Glacier National Park

Blackfeet Community College students during Summer Encampment at Glacier National Park. Photo by Laurel Vielle.

member meetings

Winter 2017, February 6–9, 2017
Meeting Registration

    Prepare for Hill visits—listen to a webinar (offered twice on following dates):
  1. January 24, 2017 at 2pm
  2. January 25, 2017 at 2pm

Spring 2017, March 16–18, 2017
Meeting Registration

Summer 2017, June 20–22, 2017
Fall 2017, October 5–7, 2017
Winter 2018, February 12–15, 2018
Spring 2018, March 9-10, 2018
Summer 2018, July 9-11, 2018
Fall 2018, October 9–10, 2018

student meetings/events

  • Basketball Tournament, March 15-19, 2017
  • Spring Conference, March 19-22, 2017
  • Spring Conference, March 11-14, 2018
College of Menominee Nation

College of Menominee Nation 2016 Grads. Photo by college.

TCU spotlight

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College —FdLTCC was rececntly selected to participate in the U.S. Department of Education's new Second Chance Pell pilot program. The Second Chance Pell program allows incarcerated individuals access to Pell grants for college courses delivered online and in person. The college will serve an estimated 45 students each year who are incarcerated at the prison in Shakopee. Tribal College Journal

Navajo Technical University—Brandy Joey's (recented crowned Miss NTU) mission is to raise awareness of domestic violence issues on the Navajo Nation. Indian Country Today Media

Iḷisaġvik College—IC is rated No. 1 on’s list of Best Community Colleges in Alaska, and No. 2 on WalletHub’s list. The rating is based on tuition and financial aid, student/faculty ratio, and education and career outcomes. Indian Country Today Media

Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute—SIPI has partnered with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under a NASA Tribal College and University Experiential Learning Opportunity grant to give students a taste of what living on Mars might be like. The research project is led by Dr. Nader Vadiee, principal investigator, on the faculty side and features an interdisciplinary team of 45 students who are performing the actual work. This grant allows students to work with rovers in a simulated Martian environment, called a Mars Yard. It’s also a tricky way to expose Native students to more science and math courses. Indian Country Today Media; Federal Grants Drive STEM Curricula at SIPI


Dine College Navajo Culture Class

Diné College Navajo Culture Class. Photo by Edward McCombs.

for TCU students

2017 AIHEC Student Conference Knowledge Bowl Resource List
Oglala Lakota College released the Knowledge Bowl Resource list on their AIHEC Student Conference website this week. The libraries at each TCU will be interested in obtaining each of the resources on the list for their knowledge bowl teams to begin studying for the competition in March.

TCU Students: Take Action!
Save Student Aid
—America’s future depends on ensuring all students have the opportunity to go to college. Congress proposes to cut the student aid programs that keep higher education within reach for millions of students. Contact Congress now to save student aid. Take Action Form

STEM Summer Research Opportunities:
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students

Bureau of Indian Education Scholarship and Internship Opportunities
The Bureau of Indian Education website lists resources and links for student scholarship and internship opportunities. BIE website

TCU Student Resources
TCU Student Opportunities

Who We Are

In 1973, the first six American Indian tribally controlled colleges established AIHEC to provide a support network as they worked to influence federal policies on American Indian higher education. Today, AIHEC has grown to 37 TCUs in the United States.

World Indigenous Games 2015

12th Annual World Indigenous Games in Brazil.

Each tribal college was created and chartered by its own tribal government or the federal government for a specific purpose: to provide higher education opportunities to American Indians through programs that are locally and culturally based, holistic, and supportive.

What We Do

Our primary function is advocacy—telling the stories of the Tribal College Movement. Over the past four decades, AIHEC has worked to help ensure that the principle of tribal sovereignty is recognized and respected and that TCUs are equitably included in this nation's higher education system.

MN TCU reps meet with Rep Betty McCollum

MN TCU presidents and students meet with Rep. Betty McCollum during the AIHEC Capitol Hill visits. Photo by LLTC.

Who We Serve

TCUs are chartered by their respective tribal governments, including the ten tribes within the largest reservations in the United States. They operate more than 75 campuses in 16 states—virtually covering Indian Country—and serve students from well more than 230 federally recognized Indian tribes.

TCU Presidents Spoonhunter and Littlebear

TCU Presidents Marlin Spoonhunter (WRTC) and Richard Littlebear (CDKC).