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V1.4 SP 22.0

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DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Friday January 10, 2014Monday January 13, 2014
Functional Qualification Testing Tuesday January 14, 2014Thursday January 16, 2014
Installation in ProductionFriday January 24, 2014Friday January 24, 2014

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data DictionaryNo
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesYes
Atom FeedsNo
Online HelpNo
Computer-Based TrainingNo
User ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
FPDSNG-3098 (“Place of Performance” ZIP Code) When a user does a ZIP Code search using the ellipsis button for Place of Performance ZIP, the search criteria is setting the user’s “End Date” as the “Start Date”. The ZIP Code search criterion is not functioning as intended. The “Place of Performance” (PoP) ZIP Code search criteria screen will be fixed to display valid results based on the user’s inputted values for “Start Date” and “End Date”. No
FPDSNG-583 (“PIID Agency ID”) Currently, FPDS-NG allows Civilian agencies to input a DoD value (e.g.: 9700, 97AS, 5700 etc.) as the “PIID Agency ID” for both Awards and IDVs.

Software Fix: A new validation rule will be added to enforce Civilian agencies to send the “PIID Agency ID’ as their 4 digit Department ID.

New Rule: 1AO7 “PIID Agency ID must be from the same Department as the User.”

Contracts failing to comply with the above rule will not be saved in FPDS-NG.

FPDSHD-118723 (Other Transaction Modifications) Other Transaction Orders (OTO) and Other Transaction Agreements (OTA) modifications can be approved without a base (mod = 0) and without a reason for modification. This is only occurring on OTA and OTO. Software Fix: The following validation rule will fire when attempting to create OT modifications, without base documents:

1DO3:“There is no base document in final status with the same PIID.

This rule will fire on create, isComplete, validate, approve, and correct API calls.

FPDSNG-1368 (Vendor Details) When a user performs a “correct” on an IDV via business services without sending the Vendor DUNS tags and without changing the “Date Signed”, then new Vendor Socio-Economic credits are saving on these documents. Vendor Socio-Economic credits will only be updated when the Vendor DUNS number is changed. Yes
FPDSNG-1383 (“Fixed Fee Value”) When a user runs an Ad Hoc report, the “Fee for use of Service” is showing as 1%. When the same PIID is reviewed via the FPDS-NG web portal, the fee is displayed as .75%.

A software fix will be performed to stop the “Fee for use of Service” rounding up to the nearest whole number in Ad Hoc and Standard reports.

FPDSHD-118622 (Reason for Modification) FPDS-NG is stopping a user from correcting “Reason for Modification” to ‘Vendor DUNS Change’ and correcting the “DUNS Number” on a Non-Vendor Change Modification. Software Fix: A software fix will be performed to allow successful correction of the Modification with the user-selected values for “Reason for Modification” and “DUNS Number” when “Reason for Modification” is corrected to ‘Vendor DUNS Change in FPDS-NG.” No
FPDSNGIN-5 (Treasury Account Symbols) FPDS-NG does not correctly utilize the null values for “Referenced IDV Agency ID” and “Referenced IDV PIID” when retrieving the TAS values from the database for a Definitive Contract Action (DCA) or Purchase Order (PO). As a result, two issues exist with Treasury Account Symbol (TAS):

•FPDS-NG is incorrectly displaying TAS on PO and DCA documents when a DO or BPA Call exists with the same values for Agency ID, PIID, Modification Number, and Transaction Number and the DO or BPA Call has a TAS entered. (FPDS-NG permits the four fields to be the same because Referenced IDV Agency ID and Referenced IDV PIID are also part of the six key fields that uniquely identify an Award.)

•FPDS-NG fires the following Validation Rule incorrectly when a user has entered only one TAS on a PO or DCA: 6M08: "Multiple Treasury Account Symbols are not allowed. Please provide one valid combination of the Agency Identifier, Main Account Code and/or Sub Account Code”

This rule fires incorrectly because the software only utilizes Agency ID, PIID, Modification Number, and Transaction Number to retrieve the TAS from the database for the purpose of checking if multiple TAS have been provided on a PO or DCA. When a DO or BPA Call exists with a TAS, then upon “Approve” of the PO or DCA, both the TAS value from the DO/BPA Call and the TAS value from the PO/DCA is retrieved from the database and the Validation Rule is fired.

A software fix shall be performed so that null values for “Referenced IDV Agency ID” and “Referenced IDV PIID” are used when retrieving TAS values from the database for DCA and PO documents.

Therefore, the correct TAS shall be displayed on PO and DCA documents and the Validation Rule, 6M08, shall not fire on “Approve” of a PO or DCA when only one TAS is provided by the user.
