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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Payment Systems


Government-Administered, General-Use Prepaid Cards, July 2016
This annual report provides details on the prevalence of use of general-use prepaid cards in federal, state, and local government-administered payment programs and on the interchange fees and cardholder fees charged for use of these services.
Report (PDF) July 2016 | Previous Reports
Improving the U.S. Payment System
The Federal Reserve and payment stakeholders are collaborating to improve the speed, safety, and efficiency of the U.S. payment system. A recent paper communicates desired outcomes for the payment system and outlines the strategies and tactics the Federal Reserve will pursue, in collaboration with stakeholders, to help the country achieve these outcomes.
Strategies for Improving the U.S. Payment System paper | Webcast
FedPayments Improvement website Leaving the Board | Upcoming Events Leaving the Board
Federal Reserve Board issued final amendments to Regulation HH risk-management standards and final revisions to part I of the Policy on Payment System Risk
Regulation HH risk-management standards apply to financial market utilities that have been designated as systemically important. Part I of the Federal Reserve Policy on Payment System Risk sets forth the Board's views and related standards regarding risk-management of financial market infrastructures. The amendments and revisions reflect international risk-management standards. The final rule and policy became effective on December 31, 2014.
2015 Interchange Fee Revenue, Covered Issuer Costs, and Covered Issuer and Merchant Fraud Losses Related to Debit Card Transactions (PDF)
The report contains summary information on the volume and value, interchange fee revenue, certain issuer costs, and fraud losses related to debit card transactions in 2015. The report is the fourth in a series to be published every two years pursuant to section 920 of the Electronic Fund Transfer Act.
Report (PDF) | Press Release (November 30, 2016) | Previous Reports
2013 Federal Reserve Payments Study Detailed Report Leaving the Board
The 2013 Federal Reserve Payments Study is the fifth of a series of triennial studies conducted by the Federal Reserve System to comprehensively estimate and study aggregate trends in noncash payments in the United States. This study reports the total number and value of all noncash payments estimated to have been made in 2012 by consumers and businesses.
Report (PDF) Leaving the Board | Press Release (July 24, 2014) | Previous Reports Leaving the Board
Report to the Congress on the Use of the ACH System and Other Payment Mechanisms for Remittance Transfers to Foreign Countries
This biannual report to the Congress describes Board's work with the Federal Reserve Banks and the U.S. Department of the Treasury to expand the use of the automated clearinghouse (ACH) system and other payment mechanisms for remittance transfers to foreign countries.
Report (PDF) April 2013 | 2011 Report

Last update: January 4, 2017