FOIA Reading Rooms

Electronic Reading Room
Electronic Records Management System
Conventional Reading Room

Electronic Reading Room

Pending Bank Holding Company and Change in Bank Control Applications
H.2A release
Notice of formations and mergers of, and acquisitions by, bank holding companies; change in bank control.

Final Opinions and Orders
Actions of the Board, Its Staff, and the Federal Reserve Banks; Applications and Reports Received

H.2 release
Actions of the Board, its staff, and the Federal Reserve Banks; applications and reports received.

Press releases
Orders on Banking Applications
Enforcement actions
1996 Enforcement actions
Legal interpretations

Policy Statements
Regulatory Burden Reduction (PDF)
Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy
Consumer Affairs letters
Consumer Affairs letters address significant policy and procedural matters related to the Federal Reserve System's consumer compliance supervisory responsibilities
Supervision and regulation (S&R) letters
S&R letters address significant policy and procedural matters related to the Federal Reserve System's supervisory responsibilities.
Federal Reserve Bulletin
Policy Action Summaries
Monetary Policy
Payment System Risk Policy
Federal Reserve's Key Policies for the Provision of Financial Services

Staff Manuals and Instructions to Staff
Supervision manuals

Frequently Requested records
OIG Report No. 2014-SR-B-017 (PDF)
The Board Should Enhance Its Supervisory Processes as a Result of Lessons Learned From the Federal Reserve's Supervision of JPMorgan Chase & Company's Chief Investment Office
Capital One-ING
BB&T/SunTrust Application and related materials
Morgan Stanley/ETRADE Application and related materials
List of financial holding companies
List of section 20 securities subsidiaries
Statistics: Releases and Historical Data
National Information Center (NIC) Web site
Comprehensive information on banks and other institutions for which the Federal Reserve has a supervisory, regulatory, or research interest, including domestic and foreign banking organizations operating in the United States.
Board Policies

Chair Powell's calendar

Congressional Communications

Corporate Bond Liquidity Reports

Letters from Governor Tarullo to Senator Crapo, Senator Brown, Rep. Jeb Hensarling, and Rep. Maxine Waters (PDF)

Letter from Chair Yellen to Senator Vitter (PDF)

Letter from Chair Yellen to Senator Warren (PDF)

Letter from Chair Yellen to House Speaker Ryan and House Minority Leader Pelosi (PDF)

Letter from Chair Yellen to Reps. Jeb Hensarling and Sean Duffy (PDF)

Letter from Chair Yellen to Rep. Jeb Hensarling (PDF)

Letter from Chair Yellen to Reps. Jeb Hensarling and Sean Duffy (PDF)

Staff Summary of Review of Potential Breach of FOMC Policies Protecting Confidential FOMC Information (PDF)

Federal Reserve's Emergency Lending Activities During the Financial Crisis (PDF)

Statement for the Record to the Task Force on Financial Technology of the House Committee on Financial Services (PDF)

Other Communications
Letter from Chair Powell to Secretary Mnuchin regarding emergency lending facilities (November 20, 2020)
Letter from Chair Yellen to Mr. Nader and Mr. Vidal (PDF)

Public records
News and events
Meetings of the Board of Governors
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluations
Economic research and data
Statistics, surveys and reports, staff studies, and working papers.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data (HMDA)
Beneficial Ownership Reports
"Insider reports" that collect information on the beneficial ownership of equity securities pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
A brief description of each of the Board's regulations pertaining to a wide range of banking and financial activities, with a link to the full text of the regulation.
Working papers
Reports to Congress
Beige Book
Summary of information gathered by each Federal Reserve Bank on current economic conditions by District and sector.

Federal Reserve Budget records
2020 Federal Reserve Board Budget (PDF)
2019 Federal Reserve Board Budget (PDF)
2018 Federal Reserve Board Budget (PDF)
2017 Federal Reserve Board Budget (PDF)
2016 Federal Reserve Board Budget (2.5 MB PDF)
2015 Federal Reserve Board Budget (2.6 MB PDF)
2014 Federal Reserve Board Budget (2.2 MB PDF)
2013 Federal Reserve Board Budget (1.3 MB PDF)
2012 Federal Reserve Board Budget (2.4 MB PDF)
2011 Federal Reserve Board Budget (128 KB PDF)
2010 Federal Reserve Board Budget (1.5 MB PDF)
Federal Reserve Board Annual Report: Budget Reviews 1995-2011
Currency and Bank Budgets
2006-2007 Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General budget (PDF)
2010 Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General budget (PDF)
2011 Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General budget (PDF)
2012 Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General budget (PDF)
2013 Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General budget (PDF)
2014 Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General budget (PDF)
2015 Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General budget (PDF)
2016 Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General budget (PDF)
2017 Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General budget (PDF)
2018 Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General budget (PDF)
2019 Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General budget (PDF)

Major Information Systems
Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for a Bank (CALL Reports)
This report collects basic financial data of commercial banks in the form of a balance sheet, an income statement, and supporting schedules. The Report of Condition schedules provide details on assets, liabilities, and capital accounts. The Report of Income schedules provide details on income and expenses. This report is a primary source of financial data used for the supervision and regulation of banks, and is used as an editing benchmark for many other reports.

The Federal Reserve Integrated Records Management Architecture (FIRMA) maintains electronic versions of Federal Reserve Board records. Collections include those of general interest to Board staff, such as speeches and testimony, press releases, and the Internal Administrative Procedures Manual, as well as more specialized collections related to the Board's major functions, such as bank applications, inspection and examination reports, and Congressional correspondence.

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)
The HMDA reports provide information regarding home mortgage lending activity, and the PMIC reports provide mortgage insurance activity data from private mortgage insurance companies.

National Information Center Data (NIC)
The National Information Center (NIC) provides comprehensive information on banks and other institutions for which the Federal Reserve has a supervisory, regulatory, or research interest including both domestic and foreign banking organizations operating in the U.S. The NIC includes the organizational structure of financial institutions and financial information for some of those institutions. Historical information is available on the structure of all the institutions. Financial information is available for selected time periods.

Uniform Bank Performance Report
The Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) is an analytical tool created for bank supervisory, examination, and management purposes. In a concise format, it shows the impact of management decisions and economic conditions on a bank's performance and balance-sheet composition. The performance and composition data contained in the report can be used as an aid in evaluating the adequacy of earnings, liquidity, capital, asset and liability management, and growth management. Bankers and examiners alike can use this report to further their understanding of a bank's financial condition, and through such understanding, perform their duties more effectively.

Federal Reserve Board publications
This system includes publications prepared by the 12 Federal Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. These materials are designed to increase public understanding of the functions and operations of the Federal Reserve System, monetary policy, financial markets, and institutions, consumer finance, and the economy.

Electronic Records Management System

E-Gov Reporting

Federal Reserve Board Division of Information Technology Strategic Plan, 2007-2010

E-Government Act Report FY 2006

Agency Issuance of Personal Identity Verification Credentials

Quarterly Report on Personal Identity Verification Credentials

Records Retention

Federal Reserve Board Records Retention Program

General Records Schedules - NARA

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) FOIA Service Center

Conventional Reading Room

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Room 146
1709 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone (202) 452-3684
Fax (202) 872-7565

The office is open to the public from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Call (202) 452-3684 for access information.
FOIA administrative contact: Candace Ambrose

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Last Update: December 03, 2020