Voices of the NIH Community

NIH has partnered with StoryCorps, a national oral history project, to capture and preserve the stories of those connected with the extensive and diverse NIH community. Through their narratives, patients, loved ones, researchers, staff, and others tell the multifaceted story of the NIH, its work, its community and its impact. You can listen to the stories by clicking on the links below. We hope these stories help capture the emotional significance of our community’s work and the lives we touch and we encourage you to share them with your friends, colleagues, organizations, and communities.

Listen to segments

NIH Saved My Life

In these stories, patients, family members, doctors and nurses describe their experiences saving lives and being saved with NIH research.

Alan Guttmacher and Brigid Guttmacher

“You could have died several times by now”

Alan Guttmacher and Brigid Guttmacher

Buddy Creech and Cole Christopher

“I was tired of fighting a disease”

Buddy Creech and Cole Christopher

Alexis Beery and Retta Beery

“I never knew how it was to feel free”

Alexis Beery and Retta Beery

Olivia Wein and Harrison Wein

“I know there is strength in me”

Olivia Wein and Harrison Wein

So Much We Still Don’t Know

These powerful stories convey how painful loss is and how much more research is still needed.

When Surviving the Disease Is Not the Only Challenge

NIH is a special safe place for people facing stigma as well as disease.  Here, survivors and caregivers describe coping with an illness and the world’s reaction to it.

Scott Paul and Kristal Nemeroff

“The most important letter of my life”

Scott Paul and Kristal Nemeroff

Laura McNay and Patrick Faley

“I'm down to zero”

Laura McNay and Patrick Faley

Anne Marie Matlock and Debbie Guttierez

“Things always happen Friday at 4 p.m.”

Anne Marie Matlock and Debbie Guttierez

The Care in Healthcare

These four stories reveal the strong bonds that form between research doctors, nurses and their patients.

Chrissy Bryla, Eileen Dimond and Mary Fleury

“Our patients are heroes”

Chrissy Bryla, Eileen Dimond and Mary Fleury

EB Jackson and Reid Thompson

“It's ok to love a patient”

EB Jackson and Reid Thompson

Mandy Haynes and Ann Kavanaugh-McHugh

“It's an incredible privilege”

Mandy Haynes and Ann Kavanaugh-McHugh

Kristen Cole and Anita Oko-Odoi

“You only get 10 minutes to cry”

Kristen Cole and Anita Oko-Odoi

Clinical Trials

In this group of stories, patients in clinical trials talk about their experiences, questions, hopes, and fears.

Bill Dorland and Christopher Heery

“How much longer do I have?”

Bill Dorland and Christopher Heery

Sheryl Zwerski and Elizabeth Flanagan

“The best place to have the worst things happen”

Sheryl Zwerski and Elizabeth Flanagan

Reed Anderson and Caitlin Anderson

“I’m sad that it’s ending”

Reed Anderson and Caitlin Anderson

NIH Employees

NIH employees share some of their unique and rewarding experiences working at the NIH.

David Horowitz and Lisa Horowitz

“I felt like a double agent”

David Horowitz and Lisa Horowitz

Katrina Gwinn and Rosa Gwinn

“I love you Daddy”

Katrina Gwinn and Rosa Gwinn

Jamie Peacock and Mary Ann Leonard

“A terrible year for three year olds”

Jamie Peacock and Mary Ann Leonard

Diane Baker and Francis Collins

“We are a team”

Diane Baker and Francis Collins

The NIH You May Not Know

These stories reveal lesser known NIH-funded efforts and their profound impact.

To request an audio file, please complete an Agreement on Permissible Uses form, indicate which segment(s), and send to storycorps@nih.gov.

Contact Us

By email: storycorps@nih.gov
By phone: (301)594-0797


This page last reviewed on July 21, 2016