National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®

You Host an NDAFW Event January 23–29, 2017
NIDA Provides Free Materials for Teens

The next Chat Day is January 26th!
See 2016's Chat Day Transcript

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW) is a national health observance for teens to promote local events that use NIDA science to SHATTER THE MYTHS® about drugs. This online guide gives you everything you need to plan, promote, and host your NDAFW event.

2017 Event Registration Now Open for National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW)!

New Activity: NDAFW BINGO!

bingo card

The NDAFW team is pleased to introduce a new BINGO game (en español) that anyone can use. Instead of displaying the words BINGO at the top, the 5 letters read NDAFW. The center of the card will remain an empty space, and the other blocks will be filled with terms related to NDAFW. The caller (teacher, RA, mentor) will call out a vocabulary word from the sheet provided (see attachment below) and then will read the description that follows the word. The point of this game is to educate players about certain topics and facts surrounding drug and alcohol use. The game will continue until one of the players has a winning BINGO pattern (up, down, across, diagonal.) After the game is over, callers of the game are encouraged to finish reading through the list of vocabulary words that were not called. You can print the cards provided, or you can make your own.